Last Friday, on national space day in Italy, the EXPO event of the Takeoff Accelerator marked the culmination of the 5-month programme in Turin, Italy. It was the opportunity to showcase our huge progress made in which we have advanced significantly as a company.

We want to thank the special people that made this possible for us. Especially Ferrara Marco who has not only mentored us with his experience but has also opened us doors that previously were unimaginable.

A big thanks goes to Eugenia Forte and Enrica Bonora for the continuous support during the programme. Additionally, all the mentors that helped us grow step by step.

All of this would have not been the great experience it was without the batch members Revolv SpaceREA SpaceARCA DynamicsPERSSortie CargoSphereCubeStratoboticVitruvian Virtual Reality, and X – ENDER .

Takeoff was special due to the support of the investment and corporate partners CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti especially Lorenzo ZennaroPlug and Play Tech CenterLeonardo, and OGR Torino who made all of this possible. We look forward to continuing the good work in the future.