
Xylene signs partnership with Lufthansa Industry Solutions

Xylene and Lufthansa Industry Solutions Announce Strategic Partnership for Product Traceability and Sustainability Compliance Implementation: Lufthansa press release Xylene is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Lufthansa Industry Solutions,

December 5th, 2023|Tags: |
Xylene in A&T – Automation & Testing

The A&T - Automation & Testing has kicked off in Turin with a workshop held by our CTO Giuseppe Benenati on how to build a resilient and sustainable supply chain with Xylene's Digital Product

February 22nd, 2023|Tags: |
Xylene taking off at the accelerator EXPO

Last Friday, on national space day in Italy, the EXPO event of the Takeoff Accelerator marked the culmination of the 5-month programme in Turin, Italy. It was the opportunity to showcase our

December 20th, 2022|Tags: , |